Why Elder Care Services is Unexplored in India
Elder care is as much a sociological issue as that of access or affordability
Elder care in India is a slightly dichotomous term at the moment. On one hand, there is the looming statistics which suggests that this nation needs to gear up for a crisis (by 2050, the no. of elderly in India would be 308 million which would be 20% of the population) while on the other hand there still exists the dilemma of feeling judged (or judge) and stigmatized for seeking professional (additional) help for looking after their old parents.
Elder care is as much a sociological issue as that of access or affordability. We are conditioned to feel guilty if we hire a professional to give our 85-year old mom a bath and not do it ourselves. There is a reason why multi-specialty hospitals have a long list of empanelled specialists but not a single geriatrician.
The current (and future) challenge is not only the sheer no. of seniors but also about our ill preparedness to deal with this population, both from an economic and social standpoint. Increased life expectancy, reduced fertility rates, changing family structures, women joining the workforce & the middle class moving abroad, are all contributors to the immense burden on the current workforce and resources planned (or not) for the elderly.
But, as a culture, for generations we have always looked after our elderly- so what is the issue right now?
People are living longer, yes but are they living healthier lives?